

Sometimes I just need more space to write what I’m thinking than a social media post/comment allows. This is my space.

Democrats for Democracy:  A Political Ad

Democrats for Democracy: A Political Ad

May 28, 2021

With today’s filibuster, which killed the chance to have a bipartisan commission investigate the January 6 attempt to overthrow our government, Republicans have stated loudly and proudly that they’re fiercely opposed to democracy.  Democrats need to hammer this home to the American public. Constantly. By the time the 2022 elections roll around, there must be no doubt in any sane voter’s mind about which party stands for American ideals and which party is hellbent on thwarting them.

Here’s an example of a commercial I’d like to see run on TV stations across the country (including Fox “News”):

Overview: This should play somewhat like a snippet from a Ken Burns documentary, with historical images and voiceover by a narrator.



In 1776, tired of being ruled by a monarchy and not having a say in their government, America’s Founding Fathers embarked on a bold and truly revolutionary quest for democracy. Revolutionary War soldiers from all walks of life fought and died for this ideal. Their sacrifices, and ultimate victory, set America on the path to greatness and was an inspiration to the world.


  • Declaration of Independence

  • Paintings of Revolutionary War soldiers

  • Paintings of the Founding Fathers

  • Bill of Rights



But the new country was far from perfect, and did not extend its rights and freedoms to everyone. During the Civil War, Union soldiers fought and died to try to rectify this by ending the scourge of slavery and extending the benefits of democracy to the formerly enslaved.


  • Slaves on a plantation

  • Civil war Union soldiers (black and white)

  • Civil war battlefields

  • Civil war graveyards



In the 20th Century, American soldiers continued to fight for democratic ideals, sacrificing their lives to save the world from a fascist dictator who rose to power by scapegoating a religious minority.


  • D-Day

  • The American cemetery at Normandy

  • A Nazi rally with Nazi flags



Today’s Republicans are against the democratic ideals our nation’s soldiers have fought and died for. Nearly every Republican in Congress took sides with the violent mob that tried to install a fascist demagogue as president—despite the fact that he lost the popular and electoral college vote by a substantial margin. Republicans across the country are now creating obstacles to voting—specifically targeting minority communities—in order to remain in power.  By making voters powerless, they are attempting to create a government ruled only by the wealthy donors they serve—the type of government that our country’s Revolutionary soldiers passionately fought against.

In the upcoming elections, there are two choices: You can vote to uphold the American ideals of democracy and inclusion that our brave veterans fought and died for throughout our country’s history, or you can vote Republican. You can’t do both.


  • The January 6 insurrection crowd flying their trump flags

  • Angry, violent people in MAGA hats

  • The insurrectionist with the “6MWE” shirt

  • The confederate flag being carried through the capitol building on January 6

  • The insurrectionists violently attacking police

  • Headlines from major newspapers highlighting voter suppression measures around the country

  • Images of GQP/seditionist politicians (can be tailored for specific markets—Josh Hawley with the fist, Ted Cruz, any number of Congressmembers/Senators objecting to certifying Biden or objecting to establishing a commission to investigate the insurrection)



No matter how much they’ve tried to coopt the flag, Republicans are opposed to everything the flag stands for. (It’s particularly maddening that Republicans committed this latest assault on democracy at the beginning of Memorial Day Weekend.) We need to point that out. Constantly. We are the patriots. We need to keep repeating that truth wherever and whenever possible.

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2 + 2 = 5

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