

Sometimes I just need more space to write what I’m thinking than a social media post/comment allows. This is my space.

Get a Job!!!

Get a Job!!!

August 16, 2020

Whenever concerned U.S. citizens exercise their First Amendment right in support of a liberal cause, the knee-jerk response of regressives is inevitably to shout, “Get a job!!!!” The har-dee-har-har point they seem to be trying to make is that liberals who care about the country must be unemployed moochers. Projection much? Aside from the fact that red states are disproportionately takers and blue states the givers when it comes to federal funds, in general it seems like the regressive crowd has WAY too much time on their hands. How else can they spend hours and hours combing through QAnon, 4Chan and the Daily Stormer and regurgitating their flat-earth/pizzagate conspiracy theories all over social media? Why do they seem to have endless time to bully any of their liberal-leaning Facebook friends who dare to express their own opinions on their own Facebook pages, burying them with paragraph after paragraph of alt-right/Fourth Reich tinfoil-hat nonsense?

It IS an effective tactic, in a way, because they always insist on having the last word, and they spew so much lunacy that’s so wrong on so many levels that it’s exhausting to attempt to refute—especially when your time is limited because you DO in fact have a job and responsibilities. And it’s pointless to try to argue, really. If a regressive online troll insists that racist/sexist/wackadoo conspiracy theories are true, that’s pretty much the equivalent of insisting that chugging down a tall, steaming glass of vomit is delicious and nutritious—the chunkier the better! If a person doesn’t viscerally understand how disgusting drinking vomit would be, no amount of facts and documentation is going to change his/her mind, and it feels degrading to even try.

The Cult 45 vomit drinkers nearly always insist on getting the last word. That doesn’t mean they’ve won the argument. They’re just further demonstrating their fascist inclinations while hammering home the point that they don’t have anything constructive to do with their time. It also means that they’re too dense to realize that they shouldn’t brag about being on the wrong side of history. Instead, they’ll insist on leaving copious amounts of documentation proving that point over and over again with every post.

Scary Radicals

Scary Radicals

The Eyes of History

The Eyes of History